Use password to ssh into EC2 instances

1) First, login to your Ec2 instance


#ssh ec2-user@PUBLIC_IP_OF_EC2 -i THE_PEM_FILE.pem


2) Now access the root user by using the command $ sudo su


$ sudo su


We can verify whether have changed to the root user using the command whoami

# whoami


3) Now lets edit the configuration file in order to access the EC2 using a password 

vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Now edit the exact lines mentioned in the configuration as seen in the below video

Note: In ubuntu based instances we need to change as below
PermitRootLogin yes

4) Once the edits are made save the file and restart the sshd service using the below commands


# service sshd restart


5) Now create a new user with a new password or update the existing EC2 user password and follow the traditional PASSWORD based SSH login to the server

# passwd username

New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully

5.1) Use the new password to access the server

$ ssh ec2-user@x:x:x:x
ec2-user@x:x:x:x's password:
This system is not registered to Red Hat Insights. See
To register this system, run: insights-client --register

Last login: Mon Oct 19 07:30:15 2020 from x:x:x:x

Reference and need to add more: