Knowledge becomes wisdom...

The things that I am trying out during my learning stage

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POD in K8

in Kubernetes, a POD is the single instance of an application and it is the smallest object that we can create in k8 to deploy pods we can use the below command kubectl run nginx --image nginx to list all pods in the cluster...

Terraform_01 - Create AWS EC2 Instance

Create a folder for storing the file and add the below code in HCL format mkdir terraform_folder cd terraform_folder vim provider "aws" {          region = "us-east-1" } resource "aws_instance" "vm" {...

How to use image avaialble Project A in Project B

~>Things Doing in Project A First, let's create an image in Project A from a VM existing in the same project. For this we need to go to the " Compute Engine Service " in that window we will be able to find an option called Images on the left side...

Ubuntu Full Screen in VirtualBox

Open your Virtual Box window for ubuntu and from the options available in the window select " Devices" , from the sub-options select " Insert Guest Additions CD image " Once we choose the option we can see one storage gets mounted....