Creating IAM user in AWS

1) Select IAM from services in AWS web interface

2) Select the users option from the left side of the window and then click on the Add user button.

3) Give a user name and then mark the Access type* for Programmatic access this will allow us to use the IAM user for operations like AWS Cli access and other powerful feature in AWS. I have been using the IAM user for assigning an EC2 instance with privilage to perform EC2 deployment and automation using Ansible(if you are planning to automate EC2 creation via ansible this will help you). Now click on the button Next: Permissions.

4) Click on the Add user to group and then click on create group button.

5) Give a Group name and then select the check box right next to AdministratorAccess then click on the Create group button.

6) Now click on the button Next: Tags

7) We can skip this section and click the Next: Review button in the bottom.

8) Now from the next window we can review the user that we have created and verify everything and complete the IAM user creation by clicking on the Create user button.

9) We have successfully created the IAM user and from the same window, we can view the Access key ID and Secret access key for further use. Also, we have an option to download the key details in a .csv file format, in my case I used to download the file and open in with spreadsheet. Please note these details cannot be retrieved once forgotten. So safe keep these details.